Please fill out the below questionnaire prior to our first one hour meeting. We will use the information to help formulate a plan for the meeting. The goal is to establish the major concerns to be addressed, and to focus our time on the issues that will provide the greatest results and understanding.
Tell us more about what you want to learn. Help us know the areas that you want to focus on the most. If you need to print out the form to fill it out, let us know and we will send another form that has more room for providing answers.
Agent Information
Name (required)
Mailing Address (required)
Your Email (required)
Phone (required)
Agent Website
Company Website
Primary focus in real estate (Residential?, Commercial?, Land?, ext.)
How many years do you plan to continue to work in real estate: (required)
Years in the real estate business (required)
First name of assistant, partner, or team member that you work with, if applicable
Other info you'd like to share
Session Information
Top 5 things you would like to gain from the first 1 hour session:
Explain why the above list is important to you, and how will it help you:
Other comments about the 1st session:
Marketing Information
What forms of marketing do you currently use?
How much do you spend on marketing annually?
How many Buyers did you work with last year?
How many Sellers did you work with last year?
How many Buyers do you have?
How many Sellers do you have?
Who is the number one agent in your desired market area that you consider a competitor?
Other marketing concerns:
Time Management Information
How many hours are you available to work each week?
How many hours do you actually work each week?
How many hours do you spend at the office each week?
What are the top three things that consume the majority of your work time?
How many hours do you spend on a computer each week?
Other time management concerns:
Investment / Retirement Information
Will your retirement be from your income only, or will you have additional retirement income from another source?
How long until you NEED to retire?
How long until you WANT to retire?
How much, in today’s dollars, would you like to have as annual income when you retire?
Making what you currently make: How much can you afford to invest per year?
Tell me anything about your retirement goals, that will help me understand what you most want from retirement::
Tell me about any investments (real estate, stock, savings accounts, etc.) you have, but you do not have to tell me the value:
Have you ever acted as a property manager for real estate?
Personal Interest Information
Personal goals and ambitions:
Interests, hobbies, vacation, 2nd home, etc.:
Technology Information
Do use a laptop or desktop computer?
Which of these software programs do you have on your computer? Microsoft WordMicrosoft ExcelMicrosoft PublisherMicrosoft OutlookMicrosoft PowerPoint
What other software programs do you use in your real estate business?
Explain how comfortable you are with a computer, and with new technology:
Does your company offer technology tools for you to use?
Other technology comments: